BA Police, Emergency Management sponsor amateur radio class

Broken Arrow Emergency Management, in association with the Broken Arrow Police Department, will be sponsoring an Amateur Radio licensing class. This class will cover the material necessary to obtain the Technician Class Amateur Radio license. The class is taught by volunteer instructors affiliated with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and are all members of the Broken Arrow Emergency Management Amateur Radio Club and/or the Broken Arrow Amateur Radio Club.

Where:  Broken Arrow Public Safety Complex, 1101 N. 6th St (near 9th and Kenosha Streets)

Date:  Starting Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2019. Classes will meet each Wednesday for approximately eight weeks.

Time:  6-9:30 p.m.

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There is no fee for the class. Books will be available for those who wish to purchase them for approximately $25. Although you do not need a book to take the class or licensing exam, it is highly recommended as the class is structured using this information. The text will be the latest-edition licensing manual published by the ARRL.

At the end of the class, a FCC licensing examination will be offered for anyone who chooses to take it. There is a $15 examination fee for the licensing exam.

Come join us and get an introduction to the world of Amateur Radio, get your “ticket” and get involved in this rewarding activity.

Please email us at: to register for this class. Class size is limited, so please register early.

We look forward to seeing you!