Bailey Education Foundation Hosting Oologah FFA Booster Club Bunco Night

OologahFFA02-2017-1The Bailey Education Foundation is partnering with the Oologah FFA Booster Club for a night of Bunco. Mark your calendar for Tuesday, February 21 at 6:00 p.m.

For $20 per person, one can roll the dice to come together to help the Oologah FFA Booster Club. They support the advisors and members of the Oologah FFA Chapter in their mission of “ Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live and Living to Serve” through Agriculture Education, Premiere Leadership, Personal Growth and preparing them for Career Success.

100% of the clubs proceeds go directly back to the chapter for scholarships, equipment, and other chapter events.

Beginners and Bunco groups are welcome to join in. This is a strictly-for-fun evening.

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There will be prizes and complimentary refreshments beginning at 6:00 p.m.

The event will be held at the Bailey Education Foundation, 10502 North 110th E Ave in Owasso (Bailey Medical Center campus).

Pre-register for Bunco by sending an e-mail to
