Meadowcreek United Methodist Church of Collinsville to Sponsor Thanksgiving Day Feast



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Meadowcreek United Methodist Church of Collinsville will be sponsoring its 2nd annual Neighborhood Thanksgiving Day Feast from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Nov. 24 at the church’s Fellowship Hall, located at 14205 E. 146th Street N., Collinsville.

Meadowcreek UMC members have decided to conduct the feast to help ensure that anyone in the Collinsville community has the opportunity to celebrate the holiday with a traditional Thanksgiving meal.

Pastor Brian says, “For some people, the holiday season is difficult because they don’t have family nearby.  We see this Thanksgiving Day feast as a way of bringing joy into people’s lives.  Through our actions we are saying God loves you – no strings attached.” 

The menu for the meal will include turkey and dressing along with potatoes, vegetables and dessert. There is no charge for the meal. Meadowcreek members will prepare and serve the food for the event.  

For more information about the Neighborhood Thanksgiving Day Feast, contact the MUMC office at (918) 371-3250.