Oklahoma children can receive free summer meals at nearly 1,400 locations

OKLAHOMA CITY (May 18, 2021) – With many schools across the state winding down for the year, almost 1,400 feeding sites are preparing to welcome children for free summer meals. The Oklahoma State Department of Education’s (OSDE) summer feeding programs will serve two meals a day while kids are out of school on summer break.
“Hunger is one of the more severe roadblocks to the learning process,” said State Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister. “A lack of nutrition during the summer months may set up a cycle for poor performance once school begins again. That’s why it’s imperative we ensure appropriate nutrition for our children during these critical months, even though school might not be in session.”
More than 400 sponsors will serve a combination of breakfast and lunch or lunch and a snack at 1,359 sites, including parks, schools, community centers, churches and day camps. Many sites also provide education or recreational programming. Summer meals are eligible for children 18 and under, as well as for people up to 21 years old participating in state education programs for the mentally or physically disabled.
Between May and August 2020, 13.4 million meals were served through the summer feeding program.
To find a feeding site near you, go to meals4kidsok.org. The meal site finder was created in partnership with Hunger Free Oklahoma, OSDE and Code for Tulsa.

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