5K/Fun Run Showing Off Collinsville

Get your running shoes on!

On Saturday, April 29, 2017 Collinsville Downtown, Inc. will host its first 5K/Fun Run.  Joe Sagi, CDI President, and his wife Shannon came up with the idea.  The Board unanimously voted it in.   “The course is designed to take you on a tour of historic downtown Collinsville along with a trip through the newly renovated City Park.  Runners will also have a chance to see one of the oldest and more beautiful residential streets that still has brick pavers,” said Kim Miller, Program Manager of the organization.

“A 5K in Collinsville!  What a great way to showcase our beautiful downtown and get healthy at the same time,” said Pam Polk, City Manager. 

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Please be a part of making this an event to remember!  Make new friends and have a lot of fun all while supporting the revitalization of Collinsville!  Meet us at 12th and Main Street on       April 29th.  The Fun Run begins at 8:30 AM and the 5K begins at 9:00 AM.    

5K artwork